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Restore Roads and Infrastructure

Amid a growing county budget it's getting harder for Oakland residents to afford well-managed roads and infrastructure. Unlike citizens who have to live within their means with too few dollars chasing too many growing expenses, the county leadership doesn't seem prepared to do the same. As the county expands its reach into more areas of life by "offering more services", it spreads our hard earned tax dollars too thin to do just the basics, like fixing the roads and plowing the snow.  The roads in some areas of the county are nearing undriveable. While they are terribly neglected, don't blame the county road commission employees--they do what they can with what they get.
But the current regime wants to grow their power base by assuming authority over the Road Commission. Water and Sewer and the Road Commission need to stay out of the hands of the Executive. But they and the Democrat Board of Commissioners prefer to send Oakland money to other counties and fund short-sighted, tax-heavy initiatives like the Phoenix Center boondoggle and the vastly underutilized bus system. They don't do a good job covering the basics, yet they want more control. We citizens need to reign them in. 
The county's efforts to expand bus services have failed miserably. Compare ridership per mile in Oakland County against other comparable counties. They thought that if they bought some busses, the people would ride them. It hasn't happened. Of course, a well-run, on-time bus service would be welcome by citizens and businesses.  But it doesn't run right merely because you've bought some busses, even if they're maintained. It was a poorly conceived plan, but cleverly sold to the voting citizens on a ballot proposal. Now, every bus rider is transported at extremely high expense, because of the low ridership. 
Further, if Democrats have their way, electric vehicle and electric-only appliances will vastly overwhelm the electrical grid, especially if they force it to run on solar and wind. Oakland doesn't need any monstrous wind farms.--a highly inefficient use of land. What we need is clean-burning, abundant, inexpensive, carbon-based energy that runs the plants and our homes at all hours of the day. 
The county needs leadership who will restore Fiscal Responsibility, so we can Restore the Roads and Infrastructure!