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Restore Freedom

America, the last bastion of freedom, is watching liberty slip from her hands, under attack by woke madness. Injustices have now plagued our nation, state, and even local school districts. Martin Luther King said it best, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Your freedom is under attack in so many ways:
  • Your rights as a parent
  • Your rights as a female athlete 
  • Your choice in appliances and automobiles 
  • Your land rights 
  • Your Privacy 
  • Medical privacy and Medical choice
  • Freedom of  speech 
  • Right to conduct Businesses freely and fairly
The first responsibility of a government is to secure the rights of the citizens. The rights recognized by the founders in the Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the Constitution -- the very rights for which millions have sacrificed -- they are under attack.
And as government grows, it crowds out freedom.  The current county government regime is in full growth mode. They participate in the woke agenda. They want to promote the Board of Commissioners from a part-time role to full-time, and along with that will grow the supporting staff, the need for offices, and on, and on...
This growth of government is manifest as the growing intrusion of government into the lives of the citizens. It has been seen in federal and state government, and must be fought against at all levels of government. All government programs fight to justify their existence, even long past their original mandate. On top of that, add the cozy relationship between the county executive and the governor: together they made a deal with the World Economic Forum -- to buy 3D printers which you can purchase all over the internet. You can see the effort to expand county government into the stratosphere, abandoning the tried and true principle of local control, which has been in place since the founding of the republic. Keeping governance close to the citizen empowers the citizen, helping ensure their grasp on the slippery bonds of freedom.
Unlike the rest of society, the current county regime still thinks electric vehicles are the wave of the future. Yet, the Democrats want to continue to push them and mandate them in government. As Oakland County government's budget crossed the $1Billion budget mark, it began reaching the size of the behemoths that are hard to reign in. On top of that, the current board chairman obscures the budget. We need a return of the transparency that was in place before the current Democrat regime took control of Oakland County government, and we need a return to focus on the things county government should do well, like fixing the roads and plowing the snow. Without transparency in county government, we citizens are shackled with oppressive, burdensome overreach. When the Democrat overlords hide the budget, only they know the plans. 
Freedom is never more than a generation away. When government control increases at federal, state, and now the county level, we need to seriously reassess how much government we want.